Four chambersexpansionmufflerdesigned forengines ofcylinderto60 ccm-longer version..Orientationof output - rear.
These mufflers are used by the IMAC - Free style World Champion Marek Plichta with GP 123 engine. It is very popular between top pilots from 120ccm class.
Expansionmufflerdesigned forengines ofcylinderto60 ccm.The Muffleris prolongedversion of the verypopularmufflerM-60-M.Increased volumeandlength of themufflerprovidebetternoise dampening,superior performance andexcellentdymamikuof the engine.
Thisedamperis suitable forshorterheaders.Recommended headers lengthis160-220 mm.
Expansionsilencerdesigned forengines ofcylinderto60 ccmis an enhancedversion of the popularmufflerM60/60/270.The Mufflerreaches verygooddampingwhile maintainingmax.Engine power.
This Canister muffler is suitable forshorterheaders .Recommended headers lengthis160-220 mm.